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EDXRF / XRF for Food, Cosmetics, Fertilizer, Feeds, and Environmental Analysis

Elemental Analysis of Food, Feeds, Fertilizers, Soils, Sediments, Personal Care Products, Water, Wastewater, Air Filters, and More

For characterization and remediation of contaminated soils, sediments, and sludges, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) analysis provides quick and reliable assays. EDXRF is a standard technique recognized by the U.S. EPA and is routinely employed to determine heavy metal concentrations (RCRA metals) in soils and sediments.

In addition to soils, Rigaku XRF spectrometers may be used with the Ultra Carry® technique to quantify trace elements in aqueous (water) samples down to parts-per-billion (ppb) concentration levels. Rigaku’s EDXRF technology and know-how provide several unique solutions for environmental determinations.

Soil & Sediment Analysis Without Standards

NEX CG II Series analyzers are powered by Rigaku’s RPF-SQX Fundamental Parameters (FP) software, featuring Rigaku Profile Fitting (RPF) technology and Scattering FP. This software allows semi-quantitative analysis of almost all sample types without standards – and rigorous quantitative analysis with standards. Rigaku’s Scattering FP method automatically estimates the concentration of unmeasurable low atomic number elements (hydrogen to fluorine) and provides appropriate corrections.

Calibration standards can be expensive and difficult to obtain for many applications. With RPF-SQX, the number of required standards are greatly reduced, significantly lowering the cost of ownership and reducing workload requirements for running routine analyses.

Rigaku NEX CG II

Environment Information & Resources

Rigaku EDXRF technology
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