Metals & Alloys
EDXRF / XRF Elemental Analysis for Metals & Alloys
Elemental Identification, Screening, and Characterization of Metals
Metal alloys are materials made of two or more metals or a metal and another material; therefore, mechanical properties like hardness and strength are attributed to a precise composition or stoichiometry. Chemical analysis is typically used as a basis for classifying metal and alloys, controlling their production processes, or verifying their designation. Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) is routinely used to identify and classify metals and alloys.
Foundries, smelters and mills, and other aspects of the metals industry, are characterized by continuous production, demanding day and night control of both the process and the quality of incoming and outgoing materials. Elemental analysis by EDXRF plays a role in controlling the production processes within these industries. The speed and precision of XRF make it a preferred testing method where high throughput chemical analysis is required to support the production process.
Minimized Standards with RPF-SQX Analytical Software
NEX CG II and NEX DE Series benchtop spectrometers are powered by Rigaku’s RPF-SQX Fundamental Parameters (FP) software, featuring Rigaku Profile Fitting (RPF) technology and Scattering FP. This robust software allows semi-quantitative analysis of almost all sample types without standards – and rigorous quantitative analysis with standards. Rigaku’s Scattering FP method automatically estimates the concentration of unmeasurable low atomic number elements (hydrogen to fluorine) and provides appropriate corrections.
Calibration standards can be expensive and difficult to obtain for many applications. With RPF-SQX, the number of required standards are greatly reduced, significantly lowering the cost of ownership and reducing workload requirements for running routine analyses.
Metals & Alloys Information & Resources
- American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME)
- American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)
- Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF)
- ASM International
- Association of Iron and Steel Engineers (AISE)
- Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AIMM)
- Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum (CIM)
- European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA)
- International Metallographic Society (IMS)
- Japan Powder Metallurgy Association
- Foundation for Metallurgical Research (MEFOS) – Sweden
- Metal Powder Industries Federation
- Mining & Metallurgical Society of America (MMSA)
- NIST Metallurgy Division
- Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME)
- Wikipedia: Metallurgy
- Wikipedia: Alloy
- Wikipedia: Metal